It also demonstrates how these rights are balanced by duties like paying taxes and voting. See the full requirements Workbook / Worksheet Answers and Helps Requirement 4: Documents Requirement 6: Historic Speech Requirement 7: Branches of Federal Government For the answer, lets go to the expert:Mike Lo Vecchio of the BSAsContent Management Team: For requirement 8, the Scout is to first name his two senators and his member of congress. Example Sentences She applied for Polish citizenship. Here are a few prompts you can discuss: The goal of this requirement is to understand that despite having different traits, beliefs, or characteristics, as human beings you probably share a lot in common! It seems, from the data I've collected, that you do not agree. Visit a place that is listed as a National Historic Landmark Remember, a Scout is friendly and kind! The preamble helps us to better understand and interpret the Constitution. resources, find out more about the monument. He does however, needto show this letter to his counselor. He was granted U.S. citizenship. Michael Freeman, an Eagle Scout, is an associate editor of Scout Life andScouting magazines. After going through either of these scenarios, Id recommend also taking some time to chat and discuss your personal experiences. Name your representatives in the United States Congress. Ask yourself for a second, what can I do to help make others feel heard and included? Remember that the next time you meet someone different., Afterward, itll be time to speak with your counselor and discuss what youve learned. If you refer to the Media Bias Chart, those resources I've Click on the registration link, then click Register. and the 14th Amendment. Committee" led by the "Advancement Chair" volunteer. IER may be reached at: 1-800-255-7688 (voice for employees/applicants), 1-800-237-2515 (TTY for employees/applicants), 1-800-255-8155 (voice for employers), or. :), link to The Value And Benefits of Scouting (58 Highlights From Scouts), link to All Eagle-Required Merit Badges: Difficulty Rankings in 2023, https://www. Share with each other what makes the different aspect of your identity meaningful/special to you. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to ScoutSmarts with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Since its a short passage, take a second to read the entire Preamble to the Constitution: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. lol) its harmful to make assumptions and treat people differently because of any stereotype. Many of the historical innovations we hear about today, from the lightbulb to the airplane, were achieved when people tried something different. The Constitution united its citizens as members of a whole, vesting the power of the union in the people. For more tips on making others feel important and heard, Id definitely recommend checking out my guide to the Communication merit badge. Democracies might be much rarer, or may not even exist at all. Every citizen has non-negotiable expectations that are placed on them at birth or when they become naturalized. Naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a lawful permanent resident after meeting the requirements established by Congress in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Around the same time, American citizens of Asian descent were facing prejudice and even random violence from aggressive racists due to the news around Covid-19. . We assume that deleting the words shown in red results in the correct wording, which is what we have included in the requirements above. Provides evidence and addresses all requirements . It was one of my favorite badges to learn and a Scout, plus its Eagle-required! Must become a citizen of another nation or risk becoming "stateless." May need a visa to visit the United States. Without the Constitution, wed likely not have been able to maintain a stable government for over 200 years. You can see the US Capitol tour here. Oh, by the way, some of the views he wants my son to include are that hunters like to use AR15s Take a second look and tell me it is not worth saving. Step 3: Click your locations name to visit the full article on your monument. When watching, listening, or reading news, understand the general value and leaning of your source with this Media Bias Chart. This merit badge is all knowledge based, and can be done at any time from the comfort of home and the Internet. It can take people a lot of courage to share parts of their identities especially when knowing that you dont have those traits in common. Read the full text of the Declaration of Independence online. importance. Deleted portions are struck through RED italic text like this sentence. Voting in elections is just one of the duties of an active US citizen. This person, in my opinion, has no business being a counselor. So please, Mister ------, take a second look at Earth. Nationality. Lincoln is one of the most widely known US presidents, having fought for the emancipation of all slaves during his time in office. This is real-world wisdom youre learning! Boating Laws & License Requirements by State. Tell your Be prepared! tour of a National Historic Landmark instead of physically Even the one 'visit' requirements could be done virtual, depending on the counselor. As they dive into discussing the project, you want to share an idea too but are nervous. 1 0 obj You can watch the national news on TV or look at the front page of a major newspaper. The Judicial Branch of governmentinterprets the meaning of laws and judges whether any governmental actions violate the Constitution. Step 1: Select a participant: Step 2: If applicable, Step 3: Select a class. They explore important places in our nation and learn to keep up with national events. CITIZENSHIP IN THE NATION 3 6. Citizenship in the Nation Requirements were REVISED effective January 1, 2022. Some people find God in the churches, the temples, the mosques, and the synagogues, but some find God in the sky, in the streams, in the woods, and in the mountains. Share these with your counseler, and then be sure to start putting diversity into practice in your own life. example of citizenship status discrimination is when employers limit jobs to U.S. citizens without legal justification. Plus, while some people may not have the courage to include others, a true leader always steps up. Repeat step 2 and 3: , if needed if more than one class is offered in a day. are already part of the National Historic Landmark or National Register of Historic Places. Hopefully, you'll learn a few things along the way and make the best of your time in Scouting. @Peg - Your Council (and probably District) has an "Advancement Enter your official contact and identification details. letter to your representative in Congress explaining your views on a Choose a national monument that interests you. This helps to reduce misunderstandings and increases your chances of changing their mind! Fun Fact 3: The robed female depicted by the statue represents Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom. Renouncing your U.S. citizenship means that you: Give up your rights and responsibilities as a U.S. citizen. Step 5: Freedom of religion, speech, and the press. What are some options Not a great feeling, right? Without it, the American Experiment might have ended as quickly as it had begun. Then, click the following link to identify one of the Congress members from your state. Requirement 8 Name your two senators and a member of Congress from your congressional district. How do Scouts and Scouters survive buggy nights in open-air platform tents? Be warned, there are some tricky requirements, so this will take at least 2 weeks to finish. Global citizenship is the umbrella term for social, political, environmental, and economic actions of globally minded individuals and communities on a worldwide scale. The same person says, Wow, thats a great idea! amazon okc If you are requesting a waiver of a crime that you committed 15 or more years ago, evidence that you have been rehabilitated, that your admission to the U.S. will not be contrary to its national welfare, safety, or security, and that you have a qualifying U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident relative spouse, prospective spouse . is not sponsored or endorsed by the Boy Scouts of America. Just enter your zip code and you can find out who represents you in the US House of Representatives. Through protests and nationwide demonstrations, your fellow citizens rallied states to change their policies on marriage bans. News for 5 days (write about it) 4. Immigrants have helped shape and define the country we know today. As an American involved in Scouting, youll need to earn your Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge to reach the rank of Eagle. Following the murder of George Floyd, our nation collectively realized that police brutality overwhelmingly targeted black Americans. First, lets talk about how to keep a warm demeanor and act inclusively. Additional requirements include: having unique major and minor codes (these codes cannot match) earning a grade of C or better is required for all courses in the minor; micro center tustin products Late Drop Deadline - Full Summer Event Date: Saturday, July 23, 2022 Event Time: 11:59 p.m. Late drop deadline - full summer session View full . This is why we should look for any unconscious stereotypes we hold, and try to break free from them! Around 52,000 scouts complete it annually. %PDF-1.5 Show your letter, along with any response you might receive, to your counselor. Our federal government is divided into three separate divisions called the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches. The Bill of Rights (the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution) Im certain this resource will be helpful to Scouts on their road to Eagle!Also, remember that ScoutSmarts should just serve as your starting point for merit badge research. Requirement 1: What Is Citizenship in the Nation? @Robert - The requirement states "letter", not "email". Get lots of ideas for citizenship activities. Once you finish this badge, youll be equipped with important knowledge for acting as an ethical leader. Consider, did you discover something interesting about your partners identity? Here are a few reasons why considering diversity can be so powerful: There are plenty of other reasons why diversity leads to success, so POP QUIZ: I challenge you to come up with a few more examples of why diversity is so important, based on your own experiences! This badge will teach you what it means to be a good citizen and give you the knowledge and means to create a positive change in your country. There is no guarantee he will get a response. Figure out how you can use them on a day-to-day basis and the effect theyll have on the people around you. Lets definitely build on that. Remember, people are individuals, first and foremost! him to weird websites with some gruesome details. The representative is you, and the most important issue is the protection of the Great Outdoors. I need to send the best possible version in to get him to change his mind. BSA Advancement ID#: Tell your @Pamela - Your question gives me the impression that a counselor Personally, being part Japanese, I love our cultural cuisines like sushi, ramen, and curry, although I know those foods arent for everyone. :), link to The Value And Benefits of Scouting (58 Highlights From Scouts), link to All Eagle-Required Merit Badges: Difficulty Rankings in 2023, Difficulty Ranking Guide to Every Eagle-required Badge, identify one of the Congress members from your state, All Eagle-Required Merit Badges: Difficulty Rankings And Guides, Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy For, Date established as a national monument: October 15, 1924. Tip How to gently change peoples minds: Never shoot down an idea without giving the other person a chance to explain it fully. places. May we visit the closest capitol to (other than the Mint) for fulfilling this requirement? Same goes for requirement 8 of Citizenship in the Nation merit badge. As humans, one of our greatest gifts is our ability to learn from history. (This means a trait, belief, or characteristic different from you.) All opinions expressed belong to ScoutSmarts and their readers. Trust Monday to help you streamline your schoolwork and enhance the quality of . This branch consists of our Supreme Court and other federal courts. While I can't tell my past self what I know now, I can teach you all the smart Scouting knowledge that I wish I'd known when just starting out. Take a few minutes to thoroughly read and understand the requirements youll need to complete. Tour your state capitol building or the U.S. Capitol. Citizenship in the nation requirement 8 example . In any case, there is little chance we would enjoy the same freedoms and rights as we currently do. If youre up for the challenge, its time to get started. What principles does it reflect? Letter to member of Congress stricter gun controls. You can also find background information about your senators here. Dual citizens hold full rights to both countries: they can vote, live, work, and enjoy two safety nets. However, in 2015, enough people realized that the government was overstepping its bounds and took action! No one How citizens can be involved in each branch of government. effective Some MB counselors are stating, flat-out, that the requirement has not been completed until a reply has been received and has been presented to the counselor. Can requirement #8 be in email form or do you actually have to write a The Preamble to the Constitution appears above the Constitution and serves to introduce the Constitutions purpose, guiding principles, and intended values. United States Senators (Texas) Member of Congress Write a letter about a national issue and send it to one of these elected officials, sharing your view with him or her. The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution. found interesting about it. didnt like his stance on gun control. Raised in a religious family with his father being the pastor of a Baptist church, Martin Luther King Jr fostered strong values at an early age. Read pages 7-8 of the merit badge book and/or the resources for requirement 1 shown below. The Judicial Branch has the final say in all legal cases that could set a precedent within our country. Until next time, best of luck on your Scouting journey! Heres what you can say: Hey everyone! Citizenship is gained by meeting the legal requirements of a national, state, or local government. By understanding the foundations of our democracy and being a good citizen in your community, youll help instill the Scouting spirit in others and guide our country in the right direction! merit badge counselor may interpret that to include email. Acting as a constructive member of society, youll help to fuel our governments activities and make your community a better place to live in. Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge Current Scouts BSA Requirements as of February 17, 2023 1. What I suggest to scouts is to look for articles that tell the Explain: The function of each branch of government, Why it is important to divide powers among different branches, How each branch "checks" and "balances" the others. Today, widely held stereotypes continue to cause racial profiling and discrimination in our society. Citizenship In The Nation is at the #5 position of popularity since it is an eagle-required merit badge. you learned about with your counselor. When speaking to people who share a similar identity with you, youll likely learn more about yourself and your culture. A Scouternamed Markhas encountered some merit badge counselors who amend that requirement by reading beyond whats on the page. Monday is dedicated to providing the best educational project management solution. c. Share what you have learned with your counselor. Focus on Writing Developing = 5 Proficient = 10 Advanced = 15 Question #14 15 Attempts to address the requirements. Watch the national evening news for five days in a row or read the main stories in a national media organization (e.g., a newspaper or news website) for five days in a row. Until next time, I'm wishing you all the best on your journey to Eagle and beyond! who is a gun owner and against gun controls want him to include his views. Through this complex system of checks and balances, weve been able to distribute power evenly throughout the 3 branches of government and keep our nation free. The counselor felt that his point of view would be strengthened by It says that we as a nation are no longer strong if we . Scan this QR code to download the app now. If your parents or any of your siblings watch the news, just join them for a few days. In Britain, the national currency is the pound.Theoretically, . Fact 4: You are able to visit the crown and pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, but availability is limited and must be reserved beforehand. With your counselor's approval, choose a speech of national historical As a US citizen, your main rights include: Basically, the goal of US law is to provide citizens with the right to do or believe almost anything they want, as long as it doesnt harm anyone else. . If you understand the wants and needs of all the people around you, youll be able to learn from each other and prevent misunderstandings. From this document, ratified on July 4, 1776, we established ourselves as an independent nation, governed by the people, for the people. Resources for Citizenship In The Nation Merit BadgeRead the Rights and Responsibilities of American citizens.Explore the National Register of Historic Places. Although I didn't realize it at the time, Scouting helped shape my life! Same-sex marriage wasnt the only historical event that positively changed how society viewed a group of people! Congress consists of two bodies: the Senate and the US House of Representatives. To put it more elegantly, Your right to swing your arms ends just where another persons nose begins. (the identity of the speaker is disputed). What difficulties the nation faced that the author wished to Ask critical questions and give them space to rethink their stance. Dual citizenship involves holding the status of a citizen in two countries. Today, Abraham Lincoln is still well respected and remembered, even having his profile carved into the side of Mount Rushmore. Abraham Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg address on November 19, 1863, during the American Civil War. Start reading! What principles does it reflect? As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I'm constantly writing new content because I believe in Scouts like you! Simply put, these amendments guarantee the personal rights of US citizens and limit the abuse of government power. This requirement got me to watch the news with my Dad for the first time and was the start of a great ritual. counselor what you learned about the capitol, its function, and Finally, on June 26, 2015, in a landmark 5-4 decision for the Obergefell v. Hodges case, the Supreme Court ruled that marriage equality was a right for all couples! Yet, the only way to truly see from a diverse lens is to speak with people who are unlike you. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to ScoutSmarts with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Thank you, Paul. National Parts of the civil war were fought in Murfreesboro. This Merit Badge is Required to earn the Eagle Scout Rank What is the Constitution of the United States? Now that the scene is set, Id highly encourage you to watch this short video (4:29) explaining Martin Luther King Jrs pivotal role in Civil Rights Movement. It was ridiculous.