In 2021, the state launched a new initiative to enhance populations of mule deer and white-tailed deer. Deer Information & Resources | Department Of Natural Resources Division WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. Oregon has two species of white-tail deer. However they are not out of the woods with continued habitat loss and disease (such as the 2017 screwworm epidemic that killed a large portion of male Key deer) threatening their numbers. These deer live on a series of islands along the river. Kyle Sams, a deer program biologist, says the population models still show an upward trend and favorable growth rate that will allow the number of deer harvested to continue to increase. Deer overpopulation causes habitat destruction, crop damage, vehicle collisions and disease all of which threatens the long-term survival of white-tailed deer in Wisconsin. Biologists believe a new framework for deer management is in order, and one that takes into account the ecological capacity of the current ecosystem. . Deer populations and the deer kill across most of the state should be stable to increasing. . White-tailed deer and mule deer are not native to the area. Engage with us in 2023. This booming population now has deer in overabundance and the state DEC aims to control this with managed harvesting. develop estimates of deer density across the state. Damage to crops deer can cause huge amounts of crop damage, eating not only parts of mature plants but also destroying plants at the seedling and budding stages. Population has been on a slow increase for many years. Pennsylvania had the highest estimated number of auto claims (156,176). They live all over the state, and the Department of Wildlife and Parks says the population is growing. Learn more about us & read our affiliate disclosure. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation: deer hunting resources. Montana has about 300,000 mule deer and about 213,000 white-tail deer. Unfortunately, this is also where the majority of the states human population live, and too many deer can increase car crashes and crop loss. This means they fork as they grow. The 2,500 hunter sample size is more than adequate, statistically, to produce precise . If you see a sick or abnormally thin deer or deer dead of unknown causes, please report its location to the CWD hotline: (866) CWD-WATCH (293-9282) . White-tailed deer, also known as whitetails or Virginia deer, are a common game animal in the United States. Hunting for mule deer is more popular in Wyoming than hunting for white-tail deer. DNR: Fish & Wildlife: Indiana County Deer Statistics Mule deer make up the largest portion of the population and 95% of the annual deer harvested. The mule deer working group states it is difficult to estimate black-tailed deer numbers, however the 2004 estimate of 320,000 is likely close as the population has been stable since then. Deer | Montana FWP The numbers above do not include deer . This graph published by the NJDEP Division of Science and Research shows the 2018 population estimate at just over 125,000 white-tailed deer. The white-tail deer is the most common type of deer hunted in the United States. 84 . Careful management slowly brought the population back and by 1985 hunters were able to harvest 32,000 deer. 3) Colorado: Deer population around 25,000. Deer rely on young forest and forest edge habitat. The most credible white-tailed estimate I could find came from the 2017-2023 South Dakota white-tailed and mule deer management plan, which listed the 2016 preseason population estimate at 425,000. Fallow Deer vs. White-Tailed Deer: Key Differences Discover the different traits between the white-tailed and fallow deer species. Everything You Want To Know About Muntjac, What Do White-Tailed Deer Eat? State Harvest Statistics 2022 - 2023 Deer Statistics for Alabama # of Deer reported: 195241 # of antlered reported: 102366 Public Land. This 2021 article in the Observer-Dispatch reports a white-tailed deer population of approximately 1.2 million. Officials are still unsure of the exact number of white-tailed deer currently living in Alaska. Whitetail Deer - North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission In fact the 2020-21 hunting season is reported as one of Ohios most successful with 197,735 deer harvested. However, in West Virginia, drivers had the highest likelihood of hitting an animal. White-tailed deer are mainly herbivores and will eat what they can find during each season. This remains pretty average for the states deer population over the last 20 years which has ranged from about 115,000 to 160,000. Visit our site to view our resource on Estimating Deer Populations on Your Property: Population Dynamics. The Columbian white-tail is a rare species named after the Columbia River. Body. A small population has also been introduced on the island of Kaui, Hawaii. Washington has the most variety of deer. Sika deer are native to Japan, but a small herd of them was introduced to the wild from a private farm. The sika deer population is mainly found along coastal regions and is much lower than the white-tailed deer. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission: white-tailed deer overview. Idaho is home to both mule deer and white-tailed deer. Wolves and mountain lions, their natural predators, no longer live in the state. To understand how each metric is calculated and how the data are used view the annual deer management reports. Deer hunting has become a major industry in Alabama, the state has 33 wildlife management areas totaling over 700,000 acres where white-tailed deer can be hunted with a permit. Cattle and sheep began competing with deer for space and grazing by the 1860s, combined with the 1859 Gold Rush that brought 100,000 people into the state soon to be followed by a railroad bringing even more settlers. Texas has the highest deer population, 5.5 million! Clearly restocking, management efforts, and the shift away from clearing land for agriculture have worked, to the point where many counties are now trying to lower the number of deer to a more sustainable number. 2022 - 2023 Deer Statistics for Alabama - Game Harvest Menu Indiana: 28 deer per square mile. State Population Totals: 2020-2022 - White-tailed deer can be found throughout the state while mule deer are mainly found around and to the west of the Missouri River breaks. Nevada's mule deer 'problem': It's not what they say Black-tailed deer have a white patch on rump, which their tail mostly covers. Deer Hunting Season Forecasts - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation According to the state of Massachusetts deer management page, there are an estimated 95,000 white-tailed deer in the state. White-tailed deer are mainly found in the Black Hills, Bighorn Basin and Riverton regions. A 2021 estimate puts mule deer at a population of between 90,000 130,000. The most recent number listed on the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks site estimates 1.75 million white-tailed deer in the state. Today its hard to image they werent always so abundant. According to this article in the Washington Times Herald, as of 2020 the white-tailed deer population in Indiana was estimated at 680,000. Wyoming Game & Fish Department: Deer Hunting. Deer Statistics - Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Found in forests as well as the suburbs, deer are often thought to have spiritual meaning and can bring nature close to home since they are often seen in backyards and neighborhoods. The rut, which is their mating season, occurs in the fall and the fawns are born in the spring. Like many states, Oklahoma had nearly lost all its deer by the early 1900s. At that time, many state wildlife agencies were formed with the goal of conserving the nation's depleted wildlife resources. Over time this heavy hunting and habitat loss took a real toll. The Mississippi State University Extension says only Texas has a larger deer population. In the western states, Idaho is the only state that has at least 750,000 deer within a state. Icon. Pennsylvania Game Commission: hunting and trapping resource page. White-tailed deer are not native to Alaska and do not have well-established populations there. This number can drift up and down depending on the severity of the winter and how many harsh or mild winters there may be in a row. Hunters Enjoying More Older Bucks Hawaii has about 1,000 black-tail deer and 110,000 Axis deer. Connecticut DEEP: hunting and trapping information. Washington has the most variety of deer. The deer mostly live in the northeastern part of the state. Be on the lookout. In some states, deer are so plentiful that regular hunting is needed to keep a balanced ecosystem. Read more about New Yorks deer abundance on the DEC site here. Although Fayette County had the highest harvest rate at 2.6%. Since losing its mountain lions and wolves, the state depends on hunting to keep the population under control. When you click and buy we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. View the latest Missouri deer harvest numbers by county. Sitka overall have a darker coat than the Columbian. Deer Populations - Wildlife Control Information High 62F. For white-tailed deer, the last mention I could find was about 520,000 around 2015. File Layout [< 1.0 MB] Annual State Resident Population Estimates for 5 Race Groups (5 Race Alone or in Combination Groups) by Age, Sex, and Hispanic Origin: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021 (SC-EST2021-ALLDATA5) [< 1.0 MB] With each new release of annual estimates, the entire time series of estimates is revised for all years back to the last . They are largely concentrated around the so-called Hill Country and Edwards Plateau regions. Although it has some mule deer, most of the deer in this state are members of the white-tailed family. It has around 100,000 white-tail deer, 100,000 mule deer, 100,000 black-tail deer, and more than 5,000 Columbian white-tail deer. Arkansas Game & Fish Commission: deer hunting information. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The Sitka blacktail deer is native to the coastal rainforests of southeastern Alaska, and has been introduced to areas of South Central Alaska. Deer Reports | Missouri Department of Conservation The population is thriving, and Louisiana permits controlled hunting to manage it. According to this article current estimates are about 40,000 60,000 on Molokai, 20,000 on Lanai and 30,000 50,000 on Maui. The population is mostly in the southern part of the state. White-tailed deer have bounced back from near extinction in Rhode Island. The majority of the North American population lives east of the Rocky Mountains. New for 2021, all eastern Oregon deer hunting is controlled. They mostly live in the states coastal regions. As recently as 1968 the in-state population estimate was only 25,000, but through conservation and management by 1990 that number skyrocketed to 100,000. Harvest numbers come from harvest reports submitted by successful hunters and data collected from meat locker records. I live in the Pacific Northwest and am surrounded by nature. Deer live in every county of the state. The only state they havent established at least a small population is Hawaii. The rest are mule deer. The white-tailed deer is the states only native deer and is Illinoiss state mammal. Iowa Department of Natural Resources: Deer hunting information. Everything You Want To Know About Muntjac, What Do White-Tailed Deer Eat? Utah Deer Population: The state estimates 305,700 mule deer for 2021, above the recent low of 268,180 in 2003, but about the same as the 1998 population of 307,500. While caribou, elk and moose are all Cervids, that is members of the deer family, we are not discussing them in this article. Despite this, the deer population has remained stable for many years. For example, in 2016, Wisconsin had an estimated deer population of 1.3 million, while Texas had an estimated deer population of 4 million. While populations often have good and bad years, the state feels its time to step in and try to improve the situation. Every three years, the DNR approves population objectives for each deer management unit based on population metrics and CDAC input. 20+ Foods, Discover The Largest Whitetail Deer Ever Recorded, The 4 Best Deer Repellents: Reviewed and Ranked, How and Where Do Deer Sleep? Studies of mule deer populations have shown that they have been recorded as eating nearly 800 different plant species. This means you would have had to put in an application for the 2021 controlled hunt draw and have been successful in order to hunt any eastern Oregon units for deer this year. "With the information we gathered from the aerial counts and the harvest reports we can then adjust the hunting permit levels for that area," Palmer said. (Texas is big in everything, it seems even deer!) Coat color tends to be more reddish-brown in the spring and grayish-brown during winter. Browse, which is a collective term for shoots, twigs, leaves, and buds. The 2021 estimate for mule deer is 249,691. Arizona has a small population of whitetails, though they tend to prefer areas with more vegetation. Deer Management Survey: Deer Population - Fish & Wildlife By 1990 the population had grown to 250,000. Most of these are mule deer. Oklahoma has about 2,00 to 3,000 mule deer, and the rest are white-tail deer. They are only found in the Florida keys and are an endangered species. . The top of their tail is brown, but the underside is very fluffy and white. Deer populations & goals | Minnesota DNR Thing have come a long way from the first post-conservation deer estimate of 500-700 deer in 1936. Wishau said the industry is seeing a real decline in new hunters. Elk Population By State (Estimates and Info) - Wildlife Informer Deer Population - Georgia Wildlife Blog New Hampshires Fish and Game Department says human feeding has damaged its deer populations. This includes flowers, grass, tree and shrub fruits, nuts, acorns, berries and lichen. Georgia Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Current Deer Management Plan, 2015-2024; Deer Management Plan 2005-2014; Urban Deer Management Plan 2005-2014; Controlling Deer Damage; DNR Deer Restocking 1928-1974 Florida has a healthy deer population that includes a large number of white-tails and fewer than 1,000 rare Key deer. The 2021 big game outlook states that the white-tailed deer population is stable to increasing. Besides hunting, deer watching is a popular activity among visitors to the states parks and wildlife management areas. Ideally 8 feet and solid (not opaque). Deer Population by State: How Many Deer are in the U.S.? During the past deer season, 191,731 deer were reported killed by deer hunters in Virginia. In the 1950s, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission brought deer from other states to repopulate parts of Florida. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks: deer information and hunting guide. There are as many as 70,000 deer-motor vehicle collisions a year in New York state, and about 200 people across the country are killed in such accidents each year. Lets find out. The others are black-tail deer and mule deer. The state reports that in areas where hunting is allowed and accessible, deer numbers are well balanced. Kansas is home to two kinds of deer, white-tailed deer and mule deer. A popular game animal, it is so iconic to American forests that it has been named the official mammal of several states. Colorado Parks and Wildlife wants to hear from you about the current Colorado big game hunting season structure and possible changes for 2025-2029. Wildlife Informer is reader-supported. Regular hunting ensures that a state will only have the number of deer its ecosystems can support. The most recent estimate I could find for West Virginias white-tailed deer population was about 550,000 in 2017. There are an estimated 35 to 36 million deer in the U.S. Once hunted almost to extinction, they have made a successful recovery. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission starting putting limits on hunting in 1916 to try and turn the tide, with an estimated 2,000 deer remaining in the state. That brings us to the topic of this article, where we will dive into what the deer population is in each U.S. state, and which types of deer you can find there. . 2021 population numbers listed by the state estimate 293,950 mule deer and 212,814 white-tailed deer. Deer live in almost every country of the world. Wildlife managers are tasked with the difficult mission of maintaining or recovering deer populations, dampening the magnitude of potential future declines, and stabilizing hunter . That was a 26 percent increase from the 2019-2020 season of 126,452. . There is also a population of white-tailed deer in Utah, however I could not find any credible estimates other than 1,000 back in 2008. The states Department of Natural Resources and other groups want to attract more hunters to reduce deer populations. They are mostly herbivores who eat browse, which is a collective term for all types of roots, twigs, bark, grass, leaves, and other vegetation. Many towns are trying to figure out programs that will work for them to keep the deer population in check. Trying to figure out their population in the state is challenging due to the remote and densely forested areas where they live. Wayne and Hickman counties are the only two counties that meet both of these criteria. There are an estimated 36 million deer in the United States. Recently the state has been increasing their any-deer (does or bucks) permits in an effort to bring down the population due to complains about too many deer and high levels of Lyme disease in certain areas. She now has three rescue cats and two high-needs Pomeranian mixes to take up her love and attention. Montana has a large population of two types of deer, the mule deer and the white-tailed deer. California Department Fish and Wildlife: Deer Harvest Requirements. Damage to landscape overpopulation of deer in the suburbs makes them more and more apt to use your flower beds and gardens as a snack station. They live in every state of the country, and their numbers are stable. These experiments demonstrate the tremendous capacity for deer population growth when occupying good habitat. Habitat, Mortality, Harvest Per Hunter, and Deer Observations. Combined with habitat protection measures, this ban allowed deer to thrive. However in localized urban and suburban areas, many populations are increasing. The FWC is working to reduce the risk of CWD spreading into this state with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, hunters, captive cervid owners, landowners, and the public.