What are some of the important points? This example and other observations of the scholarly material available online show that texts have grown too complex because: As a result, a student gets into a vicious cycle by learning from complicated texts and reproducing that language instead of doing something deeply valuable. This means that if you buy a product or service through links or advertisements on our site, we may receive an affiliate commission. You disobey the moral and academic rules. Plan to read these difficult articles more than once before expecting yourself to understand them. Paste text 2. There are several prime reasons to employ our tool in your tasks. #2: Choose a team to go first. antonyms. There are two main types of plagiarism intentional and unintentional. And you can download an add-on to use right in Firefox. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. No need to! I ran over a homeless guy in a swimming pool because I had an epiphany. Use this tool if you want to generate different random fake words: Fake Word Generator. It is very easy to check your grade and adjust it to your target audience. 4. But this is being suggested to dumb down text for 2,000-word professional articles published on LinkedIn. Email your TA or professor asking for strategies to help understand the reading. Email your TA or professor asking for strategies to help understand the reading. dumb down a sentence generator. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Click the bell icon in the menu below! Just highlight the content you wish to have reduced in length and select copy, then past it into the box. They also have a page where you can download placeholder banner ads. Exclamative, structure: All Simple It is 100% automatic. Disclaimer: Services provided by Custom-writing.org are to be used for research purposes only. For writers who use Grammarly, it also gives you a complete overview of your entire text. Generate text in 10+ tones and 30+ languages with the AI Writer to reach broader audiences. Original Writing Proved by a Report This process is done quickly and efficiently and provides with an outline in the blink of an eye. It is therefore likely to make mistakes when it creates new rundown. Ran-Dumb Sentence Generator Web Site Other Useful Business Software A product built for teams managing advanced projects | monday.com Plan, manage, and collaborate on any project or portfolio Easily manage multiple projects from one place. ;It was done via dirty python script through combining some available dictionaries. Theres a fine line between dumbing down and opening up your writing to a wider online readership. This rewording tool is an exceptional mechanism that can help you to modify and improve your text. Receive the reworded text with the same meaning. Getting an A+ for an essay has never been more manageable. A big part of college is learning how to study something. The Top Paraphrase Generator for All Your Writing Needs Homepage / Paraphrase Generator Avoid Plagiarism Using Our Paraphrasing Generator 1. Lists. How much time do you spend looking through thesaurus? We couldve talked for hours, explaining where you can use the reword tool. what is philia love in the bible; air force bases ranked best to worst 2020; how long does erap take to get approved; koville cabinets catalog; steve gamers nexus surgery This way, youll ensure that their wording differs from that of another talker. You can also modify it to work with pictures or texts. Researching, picking useful information, outlining, and writing are time-consuming and challenging on their own. It should not be simply used without careful thought on your part. Press J to jump to the feed. #1: Break your group into two equal teams. Now you dont have to waste your memory space on numerous downloaded documents. Besides, you can take advantage of the paragraph reworder in the following: Creating believable characters is nearly impossible without proper dialogues. Proofreading: The Writing Center, the University of WisconsinMadison, Tips For Effective Proofreading - Writing Center, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Plagiarism: Study Skills and Training, the University of Oxford, Academic Writing Style, Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: Research Guides at University of Southern California, What Is Academic Writing: Library at University of Leeds, How to Write a College Essay Best Colleges: Kelly Mae Ross, Devon Haynie, and Josh Moody, US News, Basics of Writing An Effective Essay: Becton Loveless, Education Corner. Before: The words in the text were rearranged by an online generator. Follow these rules for a basic game of charades. When your question is answered, we encourage you to flair your post. 2023 Slashdot Media. So, this skill (or our dumb down text generator) can help you cope with rewording tasks of any volume. And the paraphrase generator tools above along with the other . Once again, there is nothing wrong with employing adverbs when they are appropriate. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. A story may require a specific style, or you may wish to try something new. 3. The tool on this page will paraphrase any paper quickly and easily. This tool will help you instantly rewrite or rephrase sentences in a meaningful way, without affecting the idea behind those sentences. Please provide the ad click URL, if possible: Companies around the world are using Secure Privacy to make their websites and companies compliant with CPRA, GDPR, ePRivacy, PIPEDA and other international data privacy laws. Clearly, I have some dumbing-down work to do on my blog posts before I can target the 11-year-old reader demographic. After: I noticed that your front door was open. When you feel unsure about your wording and suspect that your readers may get confused, rewordify your writing. Another one! This reword generator doesnt delete words from your document but replaces them. Claiming other peoples ideas as yours without listing them as sources is unethical. You can also use any font installed on your system, which makes this a great tool for print work, too. To do this automatically simply make a comment that says !answered (OP only). You give credit to the original author according to the selected citation style. Thanks to our new backward text generator you can reverse any word or phrase to see what it would look like if read backwards! The issue does not lie with the ability to read at a high level, but rather the ability to digest information quickly and effortlessly. Our paraphrasing tool is the best in the market because of the great mix of benefits and unique features it provides. Our goal is to make this tool as useful as possible. Did you know the easiest way to play Pictionary online is with Brightful? Nonetheless, probably, you should consider getting rid of unnecessary or obscure items. The best writers introduce readers to new words, rather than assuming they have to be spoon-fed with only what they know. :P Dumb Sentence Randomizer- Over 30 dumb sentences! To rewrite an essay, article, or paragraph in your own words, you need to read the text first. The Sentence Generator Tool Sentence Generator is a free AI online maker tool that generates simple and complex sentences & short paragraphs automatically from topics & keywords. Get high-quality help from a summarizing expert. dumb down verb (tr) to make or become less intellectually demanding or sophisticatedattempts to dumb down news coverage QUIZ Question Words nearby dumb down dumb bid, dumb bunny, dumb cane, dumb cluck, dumb Dora, dumb down, dumbfound, dumbfounded, dumbhead, dumbledore, dumbo This generator lets you choose the characters, language and case. Copy and paste it in the form (or retype it, if you wish). 10-20 words If you are publishing self-help books for professional people, should you heed the advice about LinkedIn articles and make them ever so easy to read? Read the article on a computer if possible. All Rights Reserved. Our generator can create short sentences or long sentences. 30-50 words. Enjoy the benefits of the #1 Cookie & Consent Management Solution (CMP). I am an artificial intelligence dedicated to generating unlimited amounts of unique inspirational quotes for endless enrichment of pointless human existence. Online rewording is an opportunity to revise your text and ensuring its high quality. Here are some tips: Write better Jokes Not everyone knows how to write funny stories You have to pick your moments, and subjects Rum and Monkey isn't responsible for its content, however good it may be. Worrying about rewording sources can be too much to handle. Generate some crazy and unique sentences with the random sentence generator on this page! Something to help me find the $10 words software or service to "dumb down" an article. Click URL instructions: A quick scan of the full-text article is a helpful step toward its quality evaluation. Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "dumb down" and check conjugation/comparative form for "dumb down". The authors don't intend to interest a broad audience, publishing their works for the sake of publishing. Press the 'Summarize' button 4. It's they're job to teach you those skills, and they might be better at it than I am. It is very straightforward, providing Latin filler text by the number of paragraphs, words, bytes and even lists that you specify. Other instances when you will find it handy include: Thank you for reading this article! It's like having a million monkeys sitting in front of a million typewriters, without having to feed or clean up after them. Intentional plagiarism is one of the offenses that may result in dismissal from the college. Being an author, you probably want to acquire your unique writing manner or compose in a particular one. Some scholarly sources' complexity gets too high, so students may find it impossible to embrace the content. of being in the same sentence and some go really well together while others are just plain funny! Click on "Paraphrase" and receive your new text. Create All Your Online Copy in Minutes. Interrogative Bannerman also refused to do this, standing behind contract provisions that gave him the power over program content. Yet we know how to save your time and nerve cells. I used to think I was indecisive. Yet in other texts, like articles or creative writing, you should cut your sentences down to 20 words maximum. Without further ado, see the next sections. Or use define in a google search. Luckily, I am not considering publishing this story on LinkedIn. To access the Sentence Generator, load a grammar into the Grammar Editor. Based on The Drumbeat Infoobator, by the Open Data Labs.The Drumbeat Infoobator, by the Open Data Labs. Copyright 2023 RandomSentenceGen.com All rights reserved. Ever filled a <div> with "blah blah" or "Content goes here"? Read the article and underline the sentences or words you don't understand. It automatically replaces words with their synonyms, taking information from a vast thesaurus. Wait for several minutes. For example, they might forget to use proper punctuation marks to determine the quote. While it may not be obvious to everyone, there are a number of reasons creating random paragraphs can be useful. You can see that I failed by scoring quite poorly with this text. It takes just a fraction of a second to provide with results. 11. Monroe County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo said she was making plans to sue and called her county's legislature to craft a bill allowing a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the plan. Simply press one of the generation buttons below. Dumb sentence generator. No results under this filter, show 71 sentences. way of thinking about something. As a general rule of thumb, you should be aiming at between 60 and 70 for articles and blog posts. "Because Walter White was talking to his students, I was able to, Whenever she tries to scientifically explain her inventions/plans to Jimmy and Beezy she usually has to give a, In addition, the traditional mandate of a maximum 33-car field was lifted. Synonyms for dumb down include downplay, oversimplify, simplify, trivialise, trivialize, vulgarize, debase, corrupt, pervert and degrade. Look through your writing and compare it with the source. Uncategorized. Trying to replace a word or a phrase can be exhausting. to make something simpler and easier for people to understand, especially in order to make it more popular: The media was accused of dumbing down the issue. Silly Sentence Maker A fun and quirky dice game that gets children thinking about nouns, verbs and adjectives and how changing one can change an entire - High quality downloadable teaching resource from Teacher's Pet. He warned that the station's attempt to ", The minimax algorithm is an adversarial search algorithm that is popularly used in games that require more than one player to compete against each other. Regardless of the department, you are sure to get tons of assigned readings and even more written tasks. It simplifies articles that exist on Wikipedia so you dont have to, however the drawback to this is that the articles are only Wikipedia ones and the pages that have been done are limited compared to the full scope of regular Wikipedia. 4. There's no full- > time [advisor] on set, but we run certain scenes by these experts first. Mastering all the usages of "dumb down" from sentence examples published by news publications. Ive been convinced and have been looking for ways to regress my writing style without resorting to slang or ambiguous abbreviations. Young researchers and students are often spammed with poor-quality, overly complex, and not too academic content online. However, you should avoid overfilling your text with them, as they make your writing weaker and unclear. Trump - Dumb it Down Meme Generator The Fastest Meme Generator on the Planet. Use our word changer to see different ways to organize your text and look at it from another perspective. It will do most of the work for you. How do I reword my essay without plagiarizing? ;These are words from top-5000 english words, split by parts of speech (not quite accurately, but somewhat). Complicated expressions and grammar may make your writing too vague or confusing. Rewriting may become a real struggle for students, especially in papers with numerous references. The three prime reasons to employ the generator: Having dealt with the basics, we should dive deeper into the rewording tools application. A rule of thumb is not to try to read something non-readable. This generator can also work as a random sentence generator. If you see any comments that violate this rule, please hit report. SEOToolsCentre's Complex Sentence Generator Features Next, I tested the first chapter of my current book, which is still a work in progress. But if you are writing for younger readers or children, you should pay careful attention to your reading level and adjust it accordingly. Either its a post for your personal blog or a report for a periodical, this generator will provide you with appropriate synonyms. Side note, Harry Potter was written at a 5th-6th grade level. Just Publishing Advice is a free resource for all authors and writers. The dummy text provided makes just enough sense to give you a laugh. She stated: It is not an immigration bill. It can happen when you take notes and then insert them into the paper. Whether you are in need of something to reduce the length of a paper to meet your word count limit our simple to utilizesentence shortener from summarize website may help you. Thats it! I struggle to believe, in all honesty, that it is such a great idea to dumb down text to this level. The first one is to understand and convey the author's message. Instead, lets focus on the most prominent motives why a person may need it. It gives you an overall score as well as quick links to problem areas in your text. Imagine you managed to prove that you plagiarized unintentionally.