Just to get ignored or treated like a monkey who flew pooh across the dining room and the pooh landed on the generations of passed down luxious china set of dishes. Here is the secret to win us back and keep us from turning into a complete [emailprotected]$tard- Take a step BACK, let us know that you understand we feel BETRAYED, our imagination is one of the most deviant that exists on the planet and if we feel scorned we dont know how to comprehend in the moment. Im a realist, I Hope my candor doesnt hurt you but it is what it is. Scorpio Woman In Love. I was raised by a single mom and was taught to love and respect women from an early age. The Virgo man and Scorpio woman are considered to be soulmates by the zodiac, but there are many things that a Scorpio woman has to offer the Virgo man. the following week we met up (by chance I thought- only to find out it was orchestrated)and true to my virgo roots I was aloof and distant. I dont mind trying to make it work with my Scorpio man because I KNOW without a shadow of doubt that he will go to the end and back for me..this sceptical, mature VIRGO has spoken! But hes so FINE and the sex is AMAZING!!! But hanging out a handfull of times wont make me want to go steady with someone. A Virgo woman, with her slow pace, good listening skills, and quick pattern recognition should be able to discern which is which more easily than any other woman in the zodiac. I am a Taurus guy(27), well I find this post interesting, I also wanna share, I met this Virgo girl 4 years back we are still great friends but somehow I fell in love with this girl, I dont know but all these years I was in Philippines, Jakarta, Dubai, Bahrain and a lot many places I had opportunity to settle down in any of these countries but I came back for her, In all these years only one thing was consistent that is my love for her, I always felt she loved me more than i do, after coming back also we could not meet as her and my job was in different cities so every weekend I used to travel almost 1000 kms just to see her once, sometimes I spend 8-10 hrs. how would you like that? Nonetheless, I love my scorpio! The horoscope gives the Scorpio-Virgo bond a very good love compatibility. Hes a family man and a hardworking man which I love; he really does complete me because I can be mean and critical at times (Im a perfectionist and I drive myself crazy at times lol). Where the Virgo sees the imperfection as the end of the matter te Scorpio will look into the reasons why and work with it or walk away drawing a lesson from the experience. Yes, things with a Scorpio man can/will get complicated but the best thing about that is he will go out of his was to resolve the issue. I let her know upfront that it was I who used to give her blank calls occasionally. With a relationship between my experience on the number one of relationships than. The Virgo woman may be feeling unheard or blamed for mistakes of another's doing. I scorpio male love you because you Virgo female are were you Virgo female are in life. So you virgos back off us good scorpios. When we recluse into a shell, watch out, we are planning a move, it is like a dog who is freaked out and slightly snarles in the corner when you approach it. The best thing for us to do is not argue because its never really anything huge to be arguing about. I know that this sounds strange in some ways, reading some of the posts above, but for me it is true. Both Scorpio Nd virgo have plenty of positive traits. lets go straight to the bedroom There is nothing wrong with giving your best. New research shows 80% of scorpio woman dating a man and scorpio. If you should get involved with another one. On the other hand, Virgo pays attention to details and admires perfection. what if i want to be like you & hold a grudge? Was I scared because maybe deep down Id known that I could really love and be loved by this man? My husband and I fit this almost too a T. Incredible. i being with 3 scorp and a 4th one is coming hes way!. When it comes to marriage, the best match for a Scorpio man is Virgo, Scorpio, Cancer, and Capricorn. A Scorpio woman in love can be erratic and mysterious while a Piscean man is emotional and kind. 2 text messages is enough. 11 Scorpio woman and Virgo man love to work together and share the same goals. Scorpio has a way of always justifying their wrongs as menial and making your issues with them seem unimportant and that pisses a Virgo off cuz we take our views very seriously especially when we constantly express whats bothering us. Hello Everyone, Lol. The rift will start which makes scorpio appear dark and distant all he wants is his virgo woman to show warmth intimacy passion and to listen But to do this. Why do I feel like I amatter atong my own story. And, guessing that I am a bit older than most of you, I will say that life is large and you will meet many people along the way. In terms of love, both signs are cautious. Now this feeling/perception on which they act can be real or imaginary. Especially this part, They NEVER say goodby because, they always want to come back. Good for you removing yourself from an unhealthy relationship with a man that you dont trust, forget scorpio or not. @jamieask Oh my. To me, its worth the effort and the work you must put into ANY relationship to make it work. Scorpio is a fixed water sign, symbolized by the deadly scorpion, and is confident and passionate, while Virgo is a mutable Earth sign, symbolized by a virginal maiden, and is demure and aloof. We often seem to clash when it comes to communicating with each other. There are significant possibilities for a happy marriage between a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman. Unlike fire signs, which are known for their passionate flames, water and earth signs are known for their peaceful, slow approach to love. Coworkers tell me he looks at me when he sees me and he looks as if he was so sad for the past few days. Likewise, Scorpio would prefer to slowly get to know someone. She will ask yourself how they . We may be the text book example of taming of the shrew. It just takes time and work. I love my Virgo girl. Im a Virgo woman with Scorpio man. Not I scorpio male love you because of your Virgo past. 4. But you will find that with any male. On the topic of wellness, you could both use a check in with a doctor or counselor. As a Scorpio man I can totally agree with this. Texting, to me, is preferred over calling, because when I talk to my family and friends I dont want other people around me. Virgo or Scorpio? because when I made that move, it was such a relief for me a weight no longer there and its like I could breathe again? He is very loyal and faithful to the woman he loves. This will remove confidence in the hearts of the people we love, we truly do clamp on with claws and sting till you are seared. I feel as if I just grasp the hands of that elusive lady named destiny if only with just my fingertips when I think about her but do I stay or let this one go? Scorpio Man and Virgo Woman in Bed: Sexual. So, fast-forward back to meeting this Virgo woman, it should come to no surprise then that in first meeting her I initially thought nothing of her. But no, you simply vouch for your mishap & move past it, expecting others to forgive you instantly! At the middle of the night, I woke up from his texts and misscalls. Virgos' ability to process minutiae makes these earth signs incredible writers, orators, and editors . Now, at the time, I was 26 (now 28 doing on 29), and my group of friends consisted and still do of 3 mid-twenty males (yes, a group of friends for me is three people). Im not an easy person to deal with, hes an even harder person to deal with. And judging from a lot of the posts, there are a lot of experiences with unevolved Scorpios happening in this world. Ive had a therapist for 7 years whom I talk to every week, to evolve myself as a man. They are very controlling,mean, abusive and selfish when they want to be. It feels like a landscape fraught with enemies for the Scorpio man. As an earth sign, Taurus is grounded and generally laid back. which does take quite a bit, despite your judgmental beliefs of me. Forget about him, do you want a man like that? That killed my trust, it is one of the few people on this earth to this day that I still dont have any issue with her passing life on and never talking to her again. Virgo And Scorpio's Sexual Compatibility. She can sometimes be very critical of him who never appreciates it; in fact it creates differences between them. In sexual nature the Scorpio man is like two sides of coin. But was a bit pursuasive, i didnt mind that. It's one of those that changes your life forever type of relationships. Virgo attracted to this guy because he is very dominant. It seems wrong. I'm a 37 male Scorpio in a long term relationship with a 37 female Virgo. They move too fast for my tastethinking that its love or whatever when I show the slightest bit of interest. i am a virgo women who has just started dating a virgo man, the moment i saw him my body gravitates towards him. Advice dont tell a Virgo anything private. I am open to her if she asks anything she gets the answer. I tried having her virgo stop having such a negative out look on her Virgo past. This is the one I have been trying to look for. He makes for a very passionate lover towards his Virgo woman giving her all the love and support she wants. RUN! Youll find your soul mate and her sign wont matter because youll have her heart. I am a Virgo female & have found the Scorpio male to be easily misunderstood. he can be so sensitive and yet such an insensitive brute at the same time. Ive been with another Virgo, Cancer, Aries, Leo(s) this man is the best fit by far. Characteristics of a Taurus Woman. I started one blog where I used to dump out all my emotions, they have no meaning at all without her but I feel so much that keeping those feelings inside hurts me so I submerged myself in my work and If still I get any time I used to write all my emotions at http://lostinbheed.blogspot.com/ It hardly helped hahahaaaaaaa loving some one from your heart and soul and then just let her go without any reason, when you dont even know where she is heading hurts, She is the only one I have got to share my feelings, but I guess I have to learn to let go things, I proposed her and everything changed she used to talk to me day and night but now hahahaaaaa she does not even pick up the phone thats okay for me I understand, but the guy she is with I met him once he doesnt seemed nice and could take care her, May be I am hurt so i am not able to judge, but I believe she is in fantasy, well I hope her fantasy becomes reality, what else I can do because for me life has always been so difficult. That couldnt me more true. Despite some challenges, this relationship can be fulfilling and successful with effort and compromise from both partners. II felt as if I was spanked in the face.. That was in the middle of the night theres no way for me to walk out and go home.. But, if he is not, Ive learned something about love and what it is that I want in my life. Rest assured though Scorpio male has now grown and learnt the importance of communication and has learnt from the failed relationship His next partner will now benefit greatly from the person he has grown to be and going forwards if he finds happiness warmth intimacy and communication he sought in his time with virgo female else where.. The passion as a Scorpio man should match well with a Virgo woman's need to feel loved and needed. Water signs can drag you down into depression and into a well of negative emotions.All the best. For three months it kept going on like this, i was losing my mind,i told him that i m hurt, if he doesnt love me then we should end this,but he said he did love me but he didnt liked my behavior, which i dont understand at all. hi I think that is the key to a scorp/virgo relationship, both sides have to put everything on the table. I find myself always wanting to be around him because i love the conversation he gives me. Virgo is a mutable earth sign whereas Scorpio is a fixed water sign, the Virgo woman Scorpio man compatibility gets a FOUR Hearts rating. When talking about this, he told me that his actions are what speaks for him, not always his words. Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man Zodiac Compatibility, Obsession, Love Compatibility, Relationship Compatibility, Sex Compatibility and Reviews. With their Quiet, analytical and intuitive mind they themselves appear to be enough mysterious to many guys (scorp is not an exception to it..lol) Somehow even i have felt that Virgo women are really one of the most desirable of all the zodiacs..Discriminating an Level-headed always is what sets them apart from others..And i appreciate your analysis of female signs of zodiacs..where Virgo not only radiates beauty / grace but also charms with her sensible / grounded traits!! If the Virgo woman can create a peaceful environment and the Scorpio man can maintain it, this couple will go far both in love and understanding. They may be reserved at first, but as they open up to one another, this pair will likely discover that they can connect on an emotional and physical level. You never know what you might find at the bottom of the rainbow!! Virgo maidens are ruled by mercurythey are perfectionists. Therefore, want-to-know-all, and feel deeply, right man half. tread lightly. You were smart to put your foot down, because its what Scorpios need in order to understand the people theyre dealing with. The Scorpio man's charisma and magnetic charm explode into a shower of sparks in the bedroom. one of the best, actually. But she says she loves Nik. It feels to good to be true yet there is an intimate trust that comes naturally telling me it is. The Scorpio man desires to go out more often, play sports and make risky bets in 2022. This means that both signs are open to new experiences, but both are also very critical. Looks like you wrote your comments back in 2012, so 4 years on and I am replying! He is like jekyl and hydehe can seems distant at times..We are not married and he just found out he has a 20 year old daughterI think sometimes hes with me until he finds someone betterI feel I am a wonderful women who any man would love but cant imagine my life without him and i dont want to because we share wonderful moments as well. I am a virgo women and am currently in a relationship with a scorpio man. now i am angry & i dont have a clue what i really want anymore. This post reflects quite accurately my own experience with my Scorpio. He is the unevolved Scorpio borderline narcissistic sociopath. he will talk bad about you then, when u dump himbut whenever people are not looking he will beg for you to take him back!. She eventually passed in July of 2011. Scorps start off great, thats how they get you..but then as you get to know them and fall in love, they reveal their dark side, no matter how much i loved him, i never trusted him, because he was capable of lying with a straight face and turning his back on me in a second, if i upset him. Im learning the importance of communicating how I feel instead of shutting down and putting up a wall like I use to. I said, why dont you just take a break if you want one, or why dont you just break up with me if youre no longer interested. I find her (the Virgo woman) beautiful inside and out. RGht now we are kinda giving each others space. Im Currently with a Virgo now. Oh yea. In short thats why I HATE this Scorpio. If Virgo thinks well Im perfect so its got to be him hes just a lying and cheating scorpio whos trying to control me, Then know this. Scorpio me.whos been cheated on thrice by a Virgo woman not very confident anymore. everyone thinks we are the perfect couple, but they dont see/hear what i do. Yea it was in an argument but still all I scorpio have been trying to do is love her Virgo and have her stop running. #13. It's getting hot in here. Ill eventually admit to her that Im head over heels in love with her.) She doesnt think the world or the man of her life owes her anything and that makes her self-sufficient. I wonder why it was so hard to make this step before? Sex is about power for Mars in Scorpio man, and he lives for it. So sorry about that. My Scorpio man and I have been together for 6 yrs. I havent heard from him since I feel so hurt and used. Im scorpio with a virgo girl. Im a handfull. bt Im not going to label them as cheaters or mentally abusive. Looking for singles online date, plus an almost masculine energy field. They are GREAT actors, ask your SELF what did you have to attact them to YOU? He drives me crazy. My scorpio man and I have a bit of a long history We first met in 2005 and it was indescribable!! The re-entery into her life had confused her so much I didnt even have to ask after seeing the look in her face when she told me he was trying to get back in touch. A Scorpio will alway try his hardest to fulfill a request given by a loved one, but he will never obey a command. In the end, it is pretty easy, even if we have our moods and our moments. So we never really broke the friendship and remained friends through out those years.) She wanted to have my babies and leave her lesbian girlfriend for me. We also are efficient when it comes to making money. Im a scorpio man too and i looking for a virgo in my life. 192,316. The attraction was immediate, and I knew from the very first date that I was in big trouble (good trouble.) Come out of your conservatism nd know that we want to take you there just as much as you want to take us there. Thanks Mel it helps what you said. I believe you have actually hit a spot with me because everything you wrote above describes my husbands and ex wifes marriage and life as well as all his relationships after his divorce.I met my scorpio man 3 years after his divorce to his ex wife and during that period of time he had a lot of evolving to do. Thats more to do with the way male and female brains develop because of testosterone, rather than Zodiac Sign. I ended up bumping into him at a club with a new guy I had taken interest in. Being methodical in nature, a Virgo zodiac male and an untamed Scorpio female seem to a non-compatible pair. This Sign Is Known For Its, Uh, Prowess. I met my Scorpio man at work. I dont know what is going on understanding between us is just so strong. Your write up struck a chord when you talked about the loss of your Mother. They joke and lie! Both are water signs so the compatibility meter is high. Extroverted Non- Evolving (unwilling to believe he is wrong and doesnt care to hear it). I met a scorpio guy few months back.we hit it off amazingly. As a Virgo I thrive in chaos. Scorpio does have to be patient with Virgo, we do have a tendency to want things our way, lol. maybe for revenge hahaha funny scorp u got to love them once u understand their full of ego and emotions!> not a very smart combination but one a VIRGO WOMAN can handle!. Learn some f**king humility, get over yourself, and go SLOW! Virgo woman right? you guys are good at taking care of others true, but in anyway that is NONEMOTIONAL. I never caught him cheating but i accused him and he never denied it. Should be casual friends, and not casusl friends. Yes they are hot headed and get way over the top when they are mad but if you love them anough the fights and arguments will just brush off, We get into fights but its nothing bad we usually fight and then just brush it off after, But any sign can be like that any sign can be hot headed and anything els you can describe.. The Virgo woman im with already had a man when i started talking to her and was still with him after we had sex. i have heard rude comments & then received an immediate apology, as if that helped, its been said now scorp! I dont usually comment on posts but this one i had to , im a young virgo female 19 september 21st 1994 .. and have been with a scorpio male for almost two years now he was born november 9th 1989, I wanted to say that some of the things that people have been saying on here are true.. and some of its not .. , You cant sit there and assume that scorpio males are horrible or virgo females are horrible .. and just because you got a rotten one does not mean every single scorpio male is like that, I find that living with the man of my dreams right now is the best thing i could have ever done he has saved me from so much.. I let her run to his support without a fight for obvious reasons. Although they can always see the potential in others, they can also be overcritical and picky. If a virgo woman thinks she is perfect and doesnt listen to scorpio man he will stop attempting to communicate This makes virgo woman suspicious and virgo and scorpio paranoia kick in scorpio / virgo together may have trust issues in turn the male scorpio will question virgos loyalties . Thing about Scorpio is, were basically solitary and selfish, but not nessecarily harmful, unless we are given what we consider a command. The new feelings we were both throwing back at each other had us bother floating with excitement there was no denying it was something different for both of us. Im very loyal. . The analytical and patient Earth sign Virgo meets the passionate and emotional Water sign Scorpio. You are each dealing with conflict that leaves you sensitive to your reputation. Rich woman looking for older man & younger woman. A Virgo woman makes love in an unsophisticated manner. But it needs to be brought up, because I have been trying to deal with that while also confronting my feelings for this Virgo woman. Once trusting of you- similar tendencies as Extroverted Evolving. But she's no pushover. However he does have some typical scorpio traits. I HATE HIM OH GOD HOW I HATE HIM!!! I am with a scorpio guy and it already looks like we are fated. He lives so far away he travels so far to see me and he has waited hours for me to turn up(who ever said all virgos were great time keepers were disaluded) i can sence he is feircely loyal, protective and even jelious but this doesnt put me off i know better than to let my heart lead my head but any virgo women is naturally hesisitant, he tells me im the only one and that no one has ever made him feel this way but we have barely known each other two weeks! He is amazing in so many ways! He is really matured guy.. When these two work together, they can be a powerful team. I am crazy about her. always critical & knitpicking me to the point of insanity & aggravation, im not sure we are managable, compatible or truly in love as it says we could/should be. Once this couple get together, they will quickly become devoted to each other. It also affected my relationship when I lost her because I became very lost in the pain. For a scorpio male it is neither here nor there how we present ourselves it is the content that we are interested in. Im great with strategy and organization its why as Virgos most of us are empaths and great in management, customer service, teaching, healing and 100 other things I could name. He always calls me in the night or webcams with me on facebook randomly, saying he just wanted to see my beautiful face or hear my voice. They learn a lot from being in each other's presence, and often they communicate with each other without the need for words. If he tells you he doesnt want a relationship, then he doesnt want one. Its like even though we were apart, our love was always there for each other. I carried on with the new guy and really was trying to avoid him at all cost. but that dnt mean all scorp are violent. I am a Virgo woman, and I have always gotten along very well with a Scorpio man as friends. Scorpios are strong and determined. And i loved it all. A person with both Virgo and Scorpio placements/ energy in my natal chart here. My best friend is a Virgo. But the truth is, I cant explain why we cant just get away from each other. I love my Scorpio and I look forward to many many more amazing years! Its been 2 years now. Sumbdy tell bloody scorps dat virgos r nobodys fool.He ws nt a giver,but want everythng.In 2 yrs, he gave me just 1 red rose when we met first time.He used 2 sleep arund evry single women he met. I personally was an unevolved Scorpio through most of my life until i did some self dicovery and i guess evolved. I have learned to control my worse attributes like being possessive and jealous. The only arguments are silly ones that end quickly and anything serious is always talked about after we both cool down, as both Virgo and Scorpio are a bit hot headed too! And after that, he got number of a friend of mine and started talking to her, he wanted to meet her ASAP, when i asked him about this, he just said, there is no reason. Whenever I fell there wasnt anyone to help me and every time even without any strength I again stand up, well I dont want same thing happen to her, hahahaaaa It hurts. Unfortunately, I met her at the wrong time. We got to face it thats how they are They really good people, humble, down to earth but it is said that she can leave her man for a guy she met on the coastline. For those Virgos with negative Scorpio experiences, I am sorry. ; The symbol for Virgo is a virgin, or a woman, representing fertility and wisdom. Its not something malicious, its as natural as breathing to us, and the only logical way to make sure were getting a fair shake. We all zodiac signs have a past either good bad or indifferent. They want you to LEAVE so they dont feel bad. The Virgo woman and Scorpio man can make a fantastic couple, especially for the long-run. Lol OK that was a bit harsh, his dark sense of humor has definitely rubbed off on me. And, Im better for thisI have more to give back to the world because Ive known him. There was instant chemistry between us when we first bumped into each other at a bus stop, I noticed him right away! They are very honest. All she virgo ever did was critique critized and ran from me scorpio. AI mean I understood his situation with his uncle L. L. But he got a car to use to visit me instead. Both are conceited pricks with big egos so its no wonder theyre friends. And a Scorpio woman captures his heart by always being there for him. Im a Virgo woman and my apple pie is a Scorpio. We are human. We are so in love it feels like a dream I often wonder how i got so lucky to be with a man like him although there are some things that we need to work on in our relationship I know he loves me so much and i as well. She will immediately have a strong hold on the relationship as she appreciates him of being so loyal, faithful, geniuine and straight-forward. It just seems unfair. He wont tell me. Yes I am. For three months it kept going on like this, i was losing my mind,i told him that i m hurt, if he doesnt love me then we should end this,but he said he did love me but that he didnt liked my behavior, i asked him to meet me, so that we can clear things up, but everytime he said that he will confirm about meeting, which never happened. Thats the Pure Love of Virgo..Cheers . I am not worried about myself but for her what shell do, She seems like a confused girl about her feelings, I am staying here just to make sure that she goes fine as once gone I dont know whether I will ever be back again as I dont want to bring any misunderstanding between her and her boy friend. I will never date a Scorpio. he lavishes me with so much attention that I cant help but be blown away. Its intense, and insanely addicting. . Also the whole issues in the threads above about the scorpio male needing to get over themselves is very interesting to me. At first he walked right by me, although I knew he noticed me too, and suddenly he turned around to come back and talk to me.