Before he could execute Zeb, Ezra managed to reason with Kalani and convince him that the Clones and Separatists shared a common enemy in the form of the Empire; the successor to the Republic. Kanan, Fenn, and Hera wanted Sabine to use the Darksaber to rally her people to the rebel cause. His selflessness put him at odds with Maul, who failed to understand Ezra's loyalty to his friends. left kudos on this work! However, Saxon realized that he was a Jedi. Shortly after, his master entered the room and discussed the threat posed by the Inquisitors to the rebellion, so they decided to visit the Jedi Temple on Lothal to seek answers. ", Ezra looks around again, this time taking in the look of the room "where are we, and what year is this", "You're in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and the year is 3256 GSC; why?". He also consoled Ezra by telling him that his parents will always be with him. (ON HOLD) They nearly lost control but both Hera and Cham managed to stabilize the ship. ", Closing his eyes, Ezra listens but hears no response; instead, he feels Sabine's arms wrap around him. The shocking revelation that a face he once knew is back from the dead, and is trying to kill them, doesn't help lift Ezra's spirits. we're at the Jedi temple on Coruscant." Once the spirits had departed, Ezra briefed Kanan and Sabine about his encounter with Maul. This cau Ezra, Luke, and Leia head back to Lethal. Dave York When Hera assigned Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper to retrieve supplies from an abandoned Republic medical station, Ezra snuck off with them to avoid getting involved in Kanan and Rex's argument over lack of discipline and plenty of wits. However, the Inquisitors had by that stage pinpointed his location and attempted to flush him out with their lightsabers, but Kanan and Zeb stopped them before they could finish their work. After Ketsu left, Ezra asked Sabine if that was the last they'll see of her. Ezra met Ahsoka Tano who, at the time, was going by the name Fulcrum and acting as head of the small rebellion after Kanan was captured and placed in Imperial custody. Ezra and his team then traveled to a stone circle in Lothal's wilderness that served as Ryder's encampment. He is capable of Force Sense, which is what first drew him to Kanan, and he had sensed danger when Rudor tried to fire upon him and was able to Force Jump with a crate onto the Ghost. He was only trying to help. Facing off with Skerris, the two managed to disable him using Gold Leader's Ion Cannon, and emerged from the nebula to find the Ghost at the mercy of two Star Destroyers. But then, Ezra dissapears and at the same time, a new inquisi A bunch of different family one-shots of the Ghost crew. Despite Ezra's best efforts, he was unable to lift the astromech droid. To which Ezra nods his head. The Rebels chased him through the streets to the road that led out of the city as he attempted to evade his pursuers. The ship and its TIE Interceptor flight partners decimated Gold Squadron, leaving only Ezra and Gold Leader in flight as they tried to get the Ghost through the Archeon Pass. There was no point dreaming of the impossible ; Ezra imagined the tranquility of death, instead. From there, the disguised Jedi eavesdropped on Lyste's conversation with the princess as the Imperial told her that he was aware that her ships seem to get "stolen" by the rebels quite frequently and, to make that impossible, placed double security around the ships and had his men attach three gravity locks onto each, deploying a detachment of Stormtroopers around the area with two AT-AT walkers. While listening to Hera affirm her love for her father, Kanan, and her crew, Zeb gave Ezra a noogie. However, they were unaware that they were stumbling into a trap until Zeb sensed it. Through the Dark Side of the Force, he summoned a much larger Fyrnock and commanded it to attack The Grand Inquisitor. Ezra and Maul managed to defeat the Sister and her droids. However, before they could make their escape, Ezra began to sense a cold feeling. As planned, the Ghost crew attacked, allowing Ezra and Jai to escape using an AT-DP. Sabine and Chopper managed to gain the Squadron's trust by helping R3 to repair the ship's hyperdrive. They made a run for it back to the ship but Ezra was captured by ISB Agent Kallus and left behind by Zeb. On Malachor, Ezra lost a lightsaber, and found a holocron. Ahsoka agrees about Anakin; she says he rarely lost a battle and was a kind Jedi who cared about his friends and always looked out for them. Unfortunately, the crew had no idea they'd been set up, and after Hera pleaded with him to warn the others, Ezra reluctantly boarded the vessel just in time to warn Kanan, Zeb, and Sabine. Main article: Ephraim Bridger Main article: Mira Bridger Ezra loved his parents deeply. While Kanan and Zeb confronted the Inquisitors, Ezra climbed into the ventilation shaft with Pypey, finally managing to calm the infant down by connecting with him through the Force. "Ezra?" Ezra wiped his eyes, and glanced back. Returning to consciousness, Ezra can feel pain all across his body. What If: Ezra was found by the Grand Inquisitor instead of the Ghost crew? This development startled the Imperials, who wondered when the rebels began to take prisoners. The wolves warned Ezra of trouble at the temple, and he led the surviving members of the Ghost crew to investigate. Ezra and the others learned that Sabine had spoken out against the Empire for using weapons to enslave Mandalore. Having disabled the conveyor belts, Ezra ordered his team to get the Y-Wings back to the Rebellion. Ezra and the other rebels were forced to flee into hyperspace. We will each be challenged. Morad noted that Ezra had grown and complimented the young rebel for making his parents proud. Kanan decided to earn some by doing a theft job for crime lord Cikatro Vizago to steal Imperial shipments on Garel, so they flew there on an interplanetary ship. On Malachor, Ezra lost a lightsaber, and found a holocron. The Grand Inquisitor only wants the young one alive. Joined by Chopper, the group of four took the Phantom II to Krownest, Sabine's ancestral home, with Ezra being surprised by how nervous Sabine was about returning home. Standing in the ship, Ezra looks out over the endless expanse of stars and thanks to himself, 'so this is how it ends' he looks down and sees Sabine looking out over the stars "Sabine. When Saw threatened to shoot the Geonosian queen egg, Ezra countered that doing so would help the Empire to exterminate the Geonosians. When Hera didn't return and Kanan suggested to use the Ghost to transport the supplies, an alarmed Ezra advised against it, knowing that it would make the Ghost an easy target for the Empire. All Rights Reserved. Additionally, he often used his quick-thinking to outwit his enemies, such as when he tricked Imperial officials into answering an emergency alarm he himself had issued with their comm-link. Thrawn growls in pain and rage. Under Zeb's orders, the recovery team began loading the proton bombs aboard the Ghost first. Here are a few one shots about the ghost crew. Walking back to the medbay, Ezra sees Sabine putting on her armour "hey, Bean. For the next two days, Ezra taught Sabine the basics of stick fighting. Despite his success in knocking out the droids, Ezra was reprimanded by Rex for taking too long and endangering the rest of the team. Shortly later, Ezra was attacked by the Eighth Brother who tried to obtain the Sith holocron. Its evident that showrunner Jon Favreau and executive producer Dave Filoni are gearing up for the big surprise of Ezra Bridger, Thrawn, and potentially more Rebels characters like Sabine Wren making their live-action appearance (finally! Back at Chopper Base, Ezra was present when Sato formally welcomed Wedge and Hobbie into the Rebellion. In order to reclaim the holocron, Ezra had to travel inside a cave that was inhabited by the Krykna. Acting the part of the benevolent ruler, Sidious offered Ezra the chance to be reunited with his presence, which required him to activate the temple. At dawn, Slavin took Ezra and Hera outside the Syndulla House to facilitate the exchange. Later, Ezra accompanied Hera, Kanan, Sabine, Wedge, Hobbie, and other members of the Phoenix Squadron on a training exercise. Ezra couldn't help but grimace at the painful pulling on his scalp. The two look at Anakin as the Holocron closes and returns to the bench. Working together, the rebels and Separatist droids decided to delay the advancing Imperial AT-AT and AT-DP walkers. Theres no way you can believe that you will see your loved ones, again.. At Kanan's urging, Ezra stayed calmed as he used the Force to levitate the object towards them. Chapter 1: Mission Ezra went to face Darth Vader but thing goes haywire and Rex dies making everybody hates Ezra except Ahsoka later he is an emperor hand but after a year he left with a padawan Mara Jade and meet Leia organa and was taken to her real father to help to restore the jedi order watch he proves those wrong a Ezra is a S. The Path of a Sith Will they find out what is going on? Ezra is in love with Sabine but Sabine doesn't like how Ezra changed after she was with her family. Kallus and the surviving Imperials were to forced to retreat, and out of gratitude, Rex and the clones saluted Ezra and Kanan, agreeing to join the Rebellion. He ordered three Stormtroopers to escort Ezra to a secure cell. Ezra's Life Continues Ezra responded that he stuck around just in case. This story takes place at the ending of Breaking Ranks. Ezra and the other rebels boarded the Ghost and engaged Vader's TIE Fighter in a dogfight with Ezra manning the nose gun. After Imperial forces destroyed a rebel convoy near Teralov, Ezra and his fellow rebels attended a briefing chaired by Sato to discuss the recent losses. However, the troopers were given orders to execute Ryder, but before matters got worse the Ghost showed up flew out of nowhere and a brief skirmish broke out. That left Hera feeling like an outcast and prompted her to join the rebellion, a decision that her father became disgusted about since he really wanted his daughter to be by his side in liberating their homeworld. Ezra also used his new green lightsaber to cut down several Stormtroopers who were blocking their way out. After Saw left the room, Kanan told Ezra that not all of their allies shared the same values and motives for fighting against the Empire. Meanwhile the ghost crew are searching everywhere to find Ezra. While helping Sabine to load supplies aboard the Ghost, Ezra witnessed Maul and attacked a Rebel Crewman, whom he mistook for Maul. Using his Force powers, Ezra managed to deflect the bolts twice. Before they could proceed with the mission, Ezra began seeing visions of Maul in the Chopper Base command center. Upon returning to Chopper Base, Ezra and Kanan greeted their fellow rebels including Rex who was saddened by the loss of Ahsoka. Stepping into the round room, Ezra looks around, paying more attention to the view outside of the room, "so, what do you want to know. The Ghost crew watched in pride as he departed with his rebel cell, and Ezra thought in his head on how well he restored an even better relationship between father and daughter, bringing new loyalty and respect for each of the two. Unknown to both of them that the Bendu was watching. Unable to reason with Iron Squadron, the rebels returned to the Ghost. However, the plan to evacuate Ezra was delayed when he and Zare discovered that another cadet Jai Kell had shown an affinity with the Force and attracted the attention of the Grand Inquisitor. When Maul returned, the two opened the holocrons and brought them together. This could also explain his keen Force Sense enabling him to empathically sense Maketh Tua's fear for her life and her honesty, as well as being able to sense the Dark Side from Lothal while still in orbit. The commando proved to be Sabine's brother Tristan, who soon escorted the group to the Clan Wren Stronghold. "I want to be healed." Youre headstrong, Ill give you that, you have grit and determination, but what is your goal? Journeying deep into the temple alone, Ezra came across many illusions that showed his fear of losing Kanan, his friends and being abandoned but following his training he is able to face his fears and make a stand as an illusion of The Grand Inquisitor prepared to kill him. Letting out a sigh, Ezra uses the force to open the Holocron and lets the message play. Star Wars Rebels is an American 3D animated science fiction television series produced by Lucasfilm Animation and set in the Star Wars universe. Ezra sided with Hondo when the pirate insisted on loading his treasure but Zeb was unwilling to back down. Ezra Was Kick Out Of The Rebellion And Force Into Exile. Ezra objected to Saw's plan to take Klik-Klak off-world on the Phantom II and his electrocution of the Geonosian with an electro-shock device. Fearing Thrawn's imminent return, Ezra reached out and assembled what allies he could, including Rex and his fellow clones, Ketsu, Hondo, Melch, and Kallus. As planned, Ezra gave the device to Chopper, who then passed it Sabine and Zeb so that they could transmit the coordinates of the kyber crystal to Kanan and Hera, who managed to intercept and destroy the Imperial convoy transporting it. Ezra then told Kanan and Sabine that Maul had discovered that Obi-Wan was still alive and that he was inhabiting a planet with twin suns. Prove that he could complete this mission on his own, and he and his Asset would be free from his master's clutches. (Or, the Fifteenth Brother, and his half-memories stacked in a trenchcoat. When Hondo arrived with the Ugnaughts, the pirate told Ezra that he would guard the Imperial landing craft there in case they needed a quick escape. Following an escape from Imperial forces with one casualty, the rebellion began losing more pilots in battle faster than they could replace them, and until they could find a base they needed somewhere to land their fighters. By then, Phoenix Squadron had completed the evacuation of rebel sympathizers on Mykapo. The two ultimately escaped together, and though Ezra was unable to save his parents or Kanan he was satisfied in his successful rescue of Ahsoka, who quickly rejoined the war effort. Returning to the cave, Ezra decided to lure out Kanan and Sabine in order to exorcise the spirits. The new location was not without problems, as the Rebels soon discovered it to be home to Krykna Spiders, who abducted Rex. how will this change the fate the force had plans for? Ezra went with Kanan, Sabine, and Zeb to check things out whileHera,Chopper, andRexstood by with the ship in case anything happened. "I wonder why.". After descending into Malachor's atmosphere, Chopper reported the presence of another starship, and Ezra spotted a circular Stonehenge of monoliths in the distance. Ezra and his comrades were present when Kallus praised the rebels for reprogramming the Imperial Infiltrator Droid EXD-9 into an improvised bomb. With little choice, Ezra complied and departed with Maul on his starship Nightbrother for Dathomir. After Ezra related the details of his last encounter with Maul, Bendu surmised that the experience with the holocrons had a negative effect on Ezra. The rebels, Gooti, Jonner, and R3 managed to flee aboard the Phantom II but Mart wanted to stay behind and fight. Ezra can't undo the things he's done, but he can stop his past from ruining the future. Eventually, they manage to get the ship to face away from the black hole, but it is still steadily drawing them in, and the ship isn't strong enough to stop it. When Zeb went to look for him, Ezra insisted that he be the one to find Azmorigan but Zeb ordered Ezra to stay behind and load the cargo. As forces in the shadows work against the Empire and the Rebellion for their own aims, with a interest in Ahkilleons destiny. Ezra And Sabine Were Kick Out Of The Rebellion And Go To Clan Wren. Breaking Down the Peter Pan & Wendy Trailer. After besting Kanan in the duel, Sabine broke down and wept. In a desperate bid to destroy as many Empire ships as possible, the crew sent an order for all ships to meet in the Imperial complex where they could be destroyed. Suddenly, the two were surrounded by Krykna Spiders. Despite Kallus' warnings not to underestimate the teenage Jedi, Admiral Titus was skeptical that Ezra could pose a threat to his ship and crew. Shortly later, the rebels were contacted by Hera. Despite a rough start, Ezra managed to overcome his fears and was rewarded with a Kyber crystal from a mysterious voice, enabling him to construct his own lightsaber. Hot ; New . Do you know the identity of the Sith Lord Sidious? The crew of the Ghost are Jedi in this. After arriving at the Senate building using the sewers as a secret shortcut, the group was attacked by the Empire and they fled where they came with Trayvis in their custody. Their ongoing quarreling led them to be sent on a supply-run at the marketplace of the nearby village Kothal together by Hera. For better or for worse is still up for hot debate, though it really depends on who you ask. At the request of Senator Bail Organa and Rebel Command, Ezra, his fellow crew members and Rex undertook a mission to find the rebel leader Saw Gerrera, who had disappeared while investigating the apparent disappearance of the Geonosians. She was prepared to open fire in order to draw them away, but Kananobjected as they could not waste their fire-power and advised to let them pass, but she remained insistent. Forcing himself to finish waking up, Ezra sits up and looks around, spotting Sabine in the bed next to his. A new d. He then spoke of his and Sabine's engagement with Gar Saxon on Concord Dawn, only to be held at gunpoint along with Kanan as Ursa revealed her intention to hand the two Jedi over to the Imperial Viceroy. Finally, Ezra also kept a backpack on him, which was filled with stolen gadgets (e.g. The battle droids stunned Ezra and his companions and took them captive. I feel like each part is getting smaller and smaller (because it is), but I love this idea too much to not write more. For Ezra the situation becomes worse and worse until the circumstances escalates. Ezra is a hybrid. left kudos on this work. The relay mission was ruined with the arrival of Marauder, whose commanding officer Brom Titus Ezra unwittingly attempted to impersonate in order to ward them off. Rau wanted to bargain with the Empire, prompting an argument with Sabine. Once inside the control tower, Ezra knocked down two Stormtroopers with deflected blaster bolts before confronting Titus. It only takes a half a minute before they call Ezra to the council chambers. Please consider turning it on! However, the droids destroyed the grappling gun, causing Ezra and Zeb to fall. When interrogated, Ezra tried to mislead his captors by claiming that he and Chopper were scavengers who worked for Hondo. The TIES chased the ship around the construction module and were shot down one at a time. Ezra protested when Saw began rummaging through Klik-Klak's home. Later, as the Sister interrogated the young Jedi about the rebel fleet and Ahsoka, the Brother returned with a captured Sabine. So by the time Ezra was seven, his parents were taken away by the Empire and their family home declared off limits to live in to the public, leaving him to fend for himself for the next eight years, eventually taking up residence in an abandoned communication tower, humorously nicknaming it Ezra's Tower. Maul, once again, attempted to recruit Ezra as his apprentice by claiming that their destiny was linked to the planet with the twin suns. As Ezra's fifteenth birthday drew near, Kanan began to do better and become more strict in training him. There, he planted the holocron into the obelisk and was greeted by a feminine entity known as the "Presence"; who told him that the Temple contained the power to destroy all life. Ezra is Padawan to Caleb Dume, Hera is a Jedi Consular and Sabine is her Padawan, Zeb is a gruff Jedi Sentinel and Temple Guard. When Ezra suggested that the Phoenix rebel cell seek shelter on a remote system, Ahsoka counseled him and his companions to seek out an old friend, a former Republic captain named Rex. With no means of reaching Rebel Command, the group soon set their sights on a Mining Guild Ore Crawler. Hera forbids the team from attempting a rescue mission for Kanan, due to advice from Fulcrum. After finding the treasure and bombs, the rebels opened the cargo bay's outer door. Shortly later, Ezra and his fellow rebels were attacked by several Rodian Mining Guild guards. When the crew comes dangerously close to finding what it is, Ezra flees. Hope you like it. During the fighting, the Inquisitor fired several bolts with his Double-bladed spinning lightsaber; causing the ground beneath Ezra to cave in. Saxon attempted to force Sabine to yield to him but she used the Frequency 337 on her helmet to escape. Slavin then contacted Cham and offered to spare Hera and Ezra if he agreed to surrender by dawn. However, the AT-AT proceeded to crush the smaller AT-DP walker. In order to get ahead of The Rebellion, the Inquisitors send their youngest member, The Thirteenth Brother, on an undercover mission. While Sabine was training to wield the Darksaber, he patiently taught her lightsaber strokes. When he was seventeen, he left the Imperial Inquisition after ten long years of suffering and darkness. But He's Wasn't The Only One. The captured Pryce, terrified of the giant predators, was convinced to play along as they infiltrated Capital City. Leaving Behind Chopper and Finding a New Base, Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister's TIE Fighters, Star Wars Rebels: Servants of the Empire: The Secret Academy, LEGO Star Wars Rebels Sets At The Nuremberg Germany Toy Fair, First Look: A New Recruit for Star Wars Rebels, He is the main protagonist of the series and is voiced by, Since the Grand Inquisitor threw his lightsaber at Ezra in ". * (Will be continued), Ch3 (A Lasat Vers2 - P1) - After hearing about a Jedi and a Lasat stealing crates from the Capital, Ezra makes it his mission to find them. He noted that she seemed to be a loner because she usually handled her missions alone, stayed in her room a lot and ate alone. The rebels retreated on the chosen shuttle, but did not head for space because Vader would no doubt have the Imperials waiting for them. With their attackers defeated, Zeb's escape pod still hadn't shown up, and the rebels calculated that it went off course towards Geonosis. Saw, determined to learn the truth behind the Empire's plans, was willing to destroy the ship and leave the passengers behind. Once aboard the Ghost, Ezra tried to tell Hera about the Phantom but the captain was preoccupied with getting the ship to safety. Sakurablossem3 and ChaoticEpicCat Ezra grew taller (he grew taller than Ava), Kyle "Ive had many things stolen from me. While awaiting Chopper's return, Ezra and Kanan were confronted by a Stormtrooper Commander and his men, who noted they were outside their allocated area. The Phoenix Squadron believed they could steal that ship and use it to house all of their fighters. (The other 20% is in the Stuff Leia Does Not Need To Know category.). When a chance encounter puts him in the path of the Ghost crew -- comprised of ace pilot Hera, strong Mandalorian Sabine, sassy.